Danny Price has served in many roles in his almost 30 years in Ministry. From Lead Pastor to Children’s Pastor, he has endeavored to lead people to Christ and make a difference for the Kingdom.

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Danny and Michelle Price have been married for 21 years. They met in the Rio Grand Valley, where their children were born. Danny came to know Christ at a young age, while Michelle began to follow Christ after college.

Michelle works for One by One Ministries. One by One connects mentors from churches to abortion-vulnerable women and helps them choose life.

Aidan attends Southeastern University, majoring in Missional Leadership in preparation for ministry and to tell stories relevant to Christianity. He currently works at Community Bible Church in San Antonio as a resident in the Ministry Training Institute.

Joshua started his fresman year at Abilene Christian School in the Fall of 2024. His desire to serve as a physical therapist will allow him to make a major contribution to the kingdom.

Gab is in her sophomore year. You can find her serving others as an athletic trainer and in the children’s ministry at our church.


Master of Divinity

Logdson Seminary, Hardin Simmons University, Abilene, Texas

Specializing in Spiritual Development

B.S. in Church Ministries

Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, Texas

Specializing in Cross Cultural Communications

Awards and Certifications

Certified Church Administrator

The National Association of Church Business Administrators, July 2022

Fundraising Certificate

University of Texas - Center for Professional Education, October 2022

Ordination to the Gospel Ministry

Baptist Temple, McAllen, November 2008

Certified SYMBIS Facilitator

SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts), February 2021

Danny’s Last Two Assignments

Operations Pastor,

Cross Mountain Church

Lead Pastor,

The Hills Church

CMC serves the Northwest Side of San Antonio and Boerne by connecting people with God, helping them to experience life and teaching them to serve and make a difference.   

  • Managed financial responsibilities for the church such as filing 941s, 1099s, 990s, and W-2s

  • Forecasted and developed budgets based on the previous year's performance

  • Oversaw the physical plant of the church

  • Managed the IT Department

  • Worked with Bank of the West to secure a $6 million construction loan

  • Refinanced current debt  ($5.8 million) with Thrivent Financial to secure a 25-year note amortized at 30 years.  

  • Negotiated a partnership with Southeastern University to create Cross Mountain College

  • Developed and executed a strategy to create a Digital Campus and a Communications department

  • Cultivated relationships with partner organizations to create Serve Day in 14 locations across San Antonio

  • Performed Pastoral Duties as necessary and assigned.

  • Managed and developed directors of departments as well volunteer teams as necessary to complete tasks assigned

The Hills Church sought to grow disciples to love others because of their love for God on the Far West Side of San Antonio.   

  • Navigated a merger of two churches to become one. 

  • Served as Lead Pastor of Hope Community Church and Co-Lead Pastor of The Hills Church

  • Developed the overall outreach strategy in coordination with the rest of the Pastoral Team. This includes but is not limited to the creation of an evangelism training track for members, reaching out to the community, and shaping the view the community has of the new church identity.

  • Designed systems through which we can develop disciples who can share Christ with as many people around them as possible.

  • Created marketing strategies that will target specific demographic groups.

  • Serve the congregation with the Pastoral Team in the creation of a new congregation.

  • Train and equip believers to do the work of ministry within the strategic vision for God’s work in this area of San Antonio.

  • Chose or created curriculum for Sunday School classes and Small Groups

  • Formed and managed a communications department to build the church website, determine social media needs, and evaluate advertising avenues available, such as banners, signs, etc.