Book of the Month - January
The Post Quarantine Church
Thom Ranier - ISBN: 978-1496452757 - 2020
Thom Ranier served for many years as the CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources. More recently, he founded Church Answers and serves as CEO. He wants to bring health to churches and help them to work through difficult times. These last few years have seen huge challenges and hopefully, someone with 40 years of experience can help us all grow in a Post Quarantine environment.
Brief Synopsis:
Mr. Ranier identifies 6 Challenges and Opportunities for churches as we exit the quarantine caused by the COVID virus.
Gather Differently and Better
Seize your Opportunity to Reach the Digital World
Reconnect with the Community near Your Church
Take Prayer to a New and Powerful Level
Rethink your Facilities For Emerging Opportunities
Make Lasting Changes that will make a Difference
He takes each of these challenges and encourages church leaders with practical wisdom about how to use them as a springboard for the future.
What if we asked the community how our church facilities could best serve them? - pg 17
At the core of many of these plans is a realization that churches must deal with three groups: what we’re calling digital only, digitally transitioning, and dual citizens. - pg 31
Two other early changes were obvious. First, more churches decided they could have worship services at times other than Sunday morning…Second, the online services that either began or were augmented during the quarantine are not going away. - pg 82
Should I read it or skip it?
I think this book provides a ton of insight in so few pages. At a little over 100 pages, Thom packs suggestions into every page and gives us a lot to consider. I think this would benefit every level. However, smaller churches might benefit more from reading together. Smaller or older churches tend to need encouragement in growing outside their norm. I think anyone would benefit from reading this book.