Book of the Month - June 2024

The Way of the Shepherd

Kevin Leman & William Pentak - ISBN: 978-0-310-25097-5 - 2004


Dr. Kevin Leman

Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known Christian psychologist, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of fifty books, including Have a New Kid by Friday, The Birth Order Book, and Making Your Children Mind without Losing Yours. A master communicator, Dr. Leman is a frequent guest on hundreds of radio and TV shows such as The View, Oprah, Today, Fox & Friends, and Focus on the Family. He and his wife, Sande, live in Tucson, Arizona. They are the parents of five children and two grandchildren.

William Pentak

William Pentak has twenty-two years of proven success in revitalizing under-performing organizations. An author, columnist, pastor, consultant and speaker, he has traveled across the nation delivering keynote addresses and seminars. An MBA from the University of Texas at Austin, William was one of the last hires made by Enron before the company imploded in bankruptcy. He currently works in External Communications at Reliant Energy in Houston, Texas.

Taken from Amazon

Brief Synopsis:

Discover a fresh perspective on the art of leading in Dr. Kevin Leman's story about a young reporter who lands the meeting of a lifetime and walks away with the keys to exceptional leadership. The Way of the Shepherd points you beyond dated trends and out-of-touch management techniques to the strategies that will make you a truly outstanding leader.

When William Pentak had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to interview Ted McBride, one of the most respected CEOs in America, he was shocked by what McBride was willing to share. McBride taught him the seven secrets he inherited long ago from his mentor--an eccentric but brilliant professor who passed on these time-tested management principles that, while ancient in their origin, are still applicable in today's fast-paced, high-tech world.

Throughout The Way of the Shepherd, you'll learn how to infuse your work with meaning, no matter your role, title, industry, or the size of your team. Uncover the tried-and-true best practices for how to engage, energize, and ignite your workforce by:

  • Getting to know your team, one person at a time

  • Relentlessly communicating your values and your mission

  • Defining the cause for your people and showing them where they fit in

  • Having a heart for the people that you're leading

  • Understanding that great leadership isn't just professional, it's personal

If you're ready to transform your team, create a culture of belonging, and truly learn to lead by example, it's time to discover The Way of the Shepherd.

Taken from Amazon


“Great leaders instill a sense of meaning and belonging in their followers by putting the personal imprint of who they are and what they stand for on their people.”

“If you give your people halfhearted leadership, you’ll get a halfhearted following. But if you invest yourself in them, if you have a heart for them, your people will return your investment with a heartfelt following.”

“First, when directing your people, use persuasion, not coercion. Instead of making pronouncements, make requests. Offer suggestions and ideas. Don’t dictate and demand; instead, advocate and recommend.”

“people with negative attitudes don’t have a learner’s heart. Dumping such individuals off your team will hurt in the short run, but not in the long run. You have to remember that star performers with an attitude put a constant drag on everyone else. The price you pay for their performance is constant agitation. People with negative attitudes can’t help but stir the pot.”

Should I read it or skip it?

I recently picked up The Way of the Shepherd, a book recommended as part of our Student Ministry Academy’s summer reading. It also provided a great opportunity for shared discussions with my daughter, who attends Life Point Academy.

This book, written as a parable, was a quick read for me. Despite its brevity, it efficiently conveys powerful leadership principles. Each chapter concludes with a concise recap, reinforcing the key lesson.

If you manage people, this book is a must-read. It offers practical insights that are both timeless and relevant, making it a valuable addition to any leader's library.


Week #1: Trinity Revealed


Trinity: Father. Son. Spirit.